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Most appraisers will never make a million dollars—not because they can’t, but because they won’t. They’re stuck thinking small; they’re stuck in the lack thinking paradigm; they’re stuck thinking everyone is out to get them and put them out of business;...
If you’re blaming the AMCs, the government, the lenders, and the so called ‘bottom feeders’ for why you’re starving, why your average fee has decreased, why all your business has disappeared, and why you’re thinking of getting out of the appraisal business,...
It’s the end of one year and almost the start of the next. It’s that magical time when you’re wrapping up what was hopefully a great year, and then looking forward to what might be for the next. If it wasn’t a great year, the magic comes from knowing that the year is...
You’re trying to build your business but struggling with getting people to choose you or to buy from you. It’s not an uncommon complaint in business, and especially a service business like real estate sales, mortgage lending, or the appraisal profession. With a product business,...
One of the big topics of late in the real estate appraisal and lending industries is the proliferation of appraisal waivers and the recent announcement that there are likely to be more loans eligible for waivers in the future as they’re increasing the loan to value eligibility...
Make your goals SMART! Make them specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and, by gosh, make them time bound! That’s what we’ve been told anyway. Your goals must be realistic, they have to be achievable, and they have to have a deadline. But I say, ‘Bullshit!’
You’re working too much! You’re working too hard! And you’re not earning enough for the amount of time and effort you’re putting into this thing you call your profession or vocation. I’m not sure exactly where the idea of working hard for your money came from, but...
Broken windows are unsightly. They’re potentially sharp and dangerous. Broken windows lack protection from the elements and are a sign that something needs to be fixed. If a window in your home is broken, you’d most likely have it repaired quickly, and for a few reasons: so...
How prepared are you? What kind of contingency plans do you have? How long could you last in an extended emergency situation?
Every year, a survey is conducted by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to find out how many people in disaster prone areas of the country are prepared for a...
What happens when you just don’t want to do it anymore? What happens when you’ve lost your mojo? What do you do when the love is gone? No, I’m not talking about your personal relationships, I’m talking about your work and business and, ultimately, what we’re...
Time. One of our most valuable resources and currencies. We give it away every day in the hope that the return on the investment of our time will be greater than the cost in some way. We trade our time for income, we trade it for companionship and love, we trade it for good conversation, we...
Times are tough for many. Headlines are filled with negativity and foreboding. Things are changing at a pace never before seen in almost every industry and many are struggling to cope with that change. It doesn’t seem to matter if you’re in the tech industry, a middle manager for...