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You know what they say about opinions; they’re like (insert body part), everybody’s got one. And it’s true, unless the middle part of your brain has been damaged or removed, we all have opinions about certain things. Opinions are good, they’re healthy, until, of course,...
Since around the age of 16, I have been something of a collector. No, not comic books, not trinkets, not baubles, not those silly plates from boardwalk tourist shops. No, what I started collecting almost 36 years ago was advice. Advice that I thought was the best advice for a young kid who...
“You’re going to have to eventually fight real people…you know that, right?” That’s what the voice standing behind me said. I was 19 at the time and I was really going at it on the heavy bag at the karate school I had been training at. I was fairly new at the time...