Delivering value is what I preach in almost every episode of a podcast with value in the name. I absolutely believe it down to the very core of who I am that it is my job to deliver as much value as I possibly can and with no expectation of anything in return. That’s it. End of story. Take that statement right there, put it on a poster, study it every single day when you get out of bed. That’s your business strategy for the next year. Forget marketing, forget funnels, forget marketing, forget SEO and websites, forget Facebook and LinkedIn, forget everything you think you know about life and business and how to do it and replace it with one strategy…three words…one commandment…just…add…value… Just make that your filter through which every question, every decision passes and see what comes out on the other side. ‘Hey Blaine, what should I do with my website?… Just add value!’ “Hey Blaine, what should I put on my flyer for the agents at the convention?…don’t make a flyer…just add value!” “Hey Blaine, its been super busy lately and I haven’t spent any quality time with my wife, what should I do?… Just add value!” “Hey Blaine, I’m worried my kids are seeing the wrong things on tv, and in school, and on social media, what should I do?…just add value!” Add value to their lives! The fact that you’re asking the questions means you already know the answer! You can apply this to everybody, almost everything, and almost every situation. I’m not talking about stupid questions like, “hey Blaine, how do I improve my golf swing?… Just add value!” No, it doesn’t work for that. I’m talking about the questions you have that involve people, communication, and relationships. If another living thing is involved, the statement, ‘just add value’ is the ‘ready, set, go’ that shoots you out of the gate. It may not be the full answer in every scenario, but its an awesome start! You may need a follow up question like, ‘ok, how do I add value?’, and then you start brainstorming on all the ways that would be meaningful in that scenario and to that person or group. Just add value my friends…it never fails!

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In last week’s episode, part 1 of the Science of Success, we talked a lot about the conscious and subconscious mind, the mind body connection, how 95% of our moment to moment thoughts are below our conscious awareness, how those thoughts are the same thoughts we thought yesterday and since our thoughts determine our emotions and our emotions determine our thoughts, that physio-emotional pairing controls all of our actions. Since our actions will always create some kind of results and the results we get will trigger a new thought and emotion, 95% of what we do moment to moment is being dictated to us by thoughts we don’t even know we’re thinking. To make matters worse, since the vast majority of those thoughts and the emotions attached to them are based on past events and the meaning we have assigned to those events, the results we get each day are, to a large degree, the same as the results we got yesterday. Begin wherever you’d like to in the loop, it doesn’t matter. Start with waking up, start at lunch time, or start with going to bed, the loop is the same. We go to bed, most likely thinking about the days events and what we have to do tomorrow. Those thoughts trigger emotions about those events and those emotions are based on meaning we assign to the events, and the meaning comes from something we believed in our past. We go to sleep, we dream some weird dreams, likely from all of the thoughts and emotions we have stored up from all the past events we’ve experienced, along with some of our fears about an unpredictable future. We wake up the next morning and the first thing you do, whether you know it or not is have a thought. You cant even control it, it happens automatically, just like breathing does. Sounds strange to say, but you don’t have to think the thought, it just happens. Most of what we think about is not deliberate and intentional thinking, it’s the 95% subconscious thoughts that bubble up and trigger their emotional counterpart. The ones you’re aware of are the 5%ers. 5% of our thoughts are conscious thoughts and those are the ones you’re aware of. “But Blaaaaainnne, I’m a deep thinker, I’m thinking all the tiiiiiimme! I’m smart, I think about 50% of my thoughts are conscious because I’m smarter than everybody else!” Sorry Skip! It doesn’t work that way and it has nothing to do with smarts. Its simply the way the brain works.

By the way, for clarification, and I apologize for not addressing this in the last episode because its an important point. I have been using the terms brain and mind in this episode to mean basically the same thing. I have been using them interchangeably but that might be a mistake, especially in a podcast about science. So, for clarification sake, there is a difference between the brain and the mind. The brain is an organ. We all know it and we all know where it resides. Its housed in the cranium and it transmits and receives all of the signals to and from that other big collection of organs, the body. The mind, on the other hand, more loosely refers to something much bigger than just the organ that sends and receives signals. The mind refers to the connection between the brain and the body, the connection between thoughts and emotions, and the somewhat unexplainable connection we have with something greater than ourselves. Without going too much down a deep philosophical path, the age old question of, ‘where do ideas come from’, has been pondered for thousands of years. There have been lots of scientific studies on brain activity, how our thoughts create chemical reactions in our bodies, how are bodies then react to those chemicals, and so on. We know lots of things and the body of knowledge grows each year from the scientific method of testing the evidence against experience and observation. However, we still don’t know where Einstein’s theory of relativity came from. We don’t know where or how Tesla came up the concept an alternating current. He was walking on the beach and had a sudden epiphany and scrawled a diagram in the sand which latter turned out to be the proper path for this concept. Where did it come from since there was no understanding of alternating current in the mid to late 1800’s when he lived. So, we would say that it wasn’t necessarily their brains that came up with these concepts, it was their minds and the connection that our minds have to something greater than the organ seated in the cranium. The mind represents our thoughts, our feelings about those thoughts, our intuition about certain things, the ideas that come to us seemingly out of nowhere, and the seat of our consciousness. The brain is the meaty physical organ, the mind is the invisible, formless, doorway to the world of thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, imagination, creativity, and emotion. Although the brain is often associated with the mind, the mind transcends the brain. The mind is much bigger than the brain as it includes our body and beyond. I know that probably makes things clear as mud, but it’s important to put out there that, although we sometimes use the terms interchangeably, they are different. If somebody asks you, ‘what’s on your mind?’, they’re not asking you, ‘what’s in your brain?’, they’re asking you what you’re thinking AND feeling about certain things. What’s your intuition on a topic? How do you feel about it? There may be logic involved, but they really want to know how your thoughts are connected with your feelings.

And that brings us back to something we talked about in the last episode, something called the Reticular Activating System. If you recall from last week, the RAS is a collection, or a network of neurons about the size of pencil sitting at the base of the brain stem where the spine is attached. The RAS acts as a sort of an informational gatekeeper between almost all of our sensory systems and the brain. The only sense that the RAS doesn’t filter is our olfactory sense, or our sense of smell. If you listened to part one of these episodes, I called the RAS a sentinel. Its job is to be on the lookout for and then filter out anything that the subconscious mind says is unimportant information.  Every second of every day we are bombarded with sensory information. Imagine every hair on your body sending information to your brain every second of the day. If your brain had to process all of that information, it would shut down very quickly from overwhelm. Although all of the information from all of those hairs is important in some regard, very little of it is important in helping us make the important decisions about immediate survival so 95-98% of the information is filtered out for the conscious part of our brain by the RAS. The reticular activating system determines, to a large degree, what we pay attention to and it filters out the rest. By filters out, what I mean is that it stores it somewhere in the subconscious portion of our brains. Every sensation or experience we have ever had, and ever will have, gets stored there. Most of it is never needed or used, but its there somewhere. The RAS is always operating, night and day, and to varying degrees of success depending on the individual. At the deepest levels, the RAS is acting as a sentinel, of sorts, and on the search for threats to our survival. It’s the part of your brain that allows you to hear your name called out in a crowded room of people all having separate conversations even though you weren’t listening for your name. Much like SIRI or Amazon Alexa, its always on and hearing everything. Even though the RAS is listening to everything, we could say that its not necessarily hearing all of it. There’s a difference between listening and hearing and the RAS is listening to everything but its really only hearing what we tell it is important based on our thoughts and belief systems. The RAS hears your name called in a busy market, and alerts you. It hears a loud bang and triggers a startle response because it could be a threat to your survival. It listens to everything but only hears what you‘ve programmed it to believe is important. How do we program the RAS? We program it based on all of those past thoughts, our beliefs, our values, and most importantly, what we expect!

So, in addition to being a pretty good sentinel, its also a very faithful servant. This can be both good and bad since the RAS carry’s out its orders every second of every day whether we know it or not, like it or not, or are conscious of it or not. All of the subconscious programming we’ve been talking about is in there. Remember all of those habitual patterns and records from the past that have been informing almost every one of your thoughts? The RAS is using that stored information from your past and deciding what information gets through and what doesn’t. Its deciding what information and experiences are placed in front of you for recognition and which ones aren’t, all based on your beliefs about what is important, worthwhile, and possible, and almost all of that information comes the past and is wired into your programming. This is why goal setting and visualization can be useful to us because we are deliberately and intentionally giving the RAS new instructions about what is important to us which, in turn, allows our attention to be brought to bear on all the relevant information and resources that may have otherwise remained in the background or completely out of our conscious awareness. This is the same effect as buying, say a new white or green car. You leave the dealership parking lot and suddenly notice every white or green vehicle on the road. You told your RAS that the type of car and the color are important things to pay attention to by buying it so now it sees them everywhere. You may even say, “its so weird how as soon as I bought a white Tesla, everybody’s buying white Teslas!” All the others didn’t start buying them because you did. You just started to notice them because of the new instructions to your RAS that white Teslas are important to you. They always been there, they just weren’t important to you before that. What is also extremely important to note in the Tesla example, are all of the hundreds or thousands of other cars you AREN’T noticing. You see them, to some degree. You are aware of them as data points in the general traffic that’s all around you, but you’re not consciously aware of every red, blue, green white, purple, brown, and orange car or truck that passes you. Why? Because your driving skills and experience have made all of those things merely subconscious data points. Unless one of them darts in front of you and cuts you off, or crosses the center line, your brain filters all of that irrelevant information out so that you aren’t overloaded with information. Your brain, your mind, and your RAS only bring into your consciousness screen of awareness that which it believes is a threat to your survival, supporting information for one of your belief systems, or something unique like a car that’s shaped like an Oscar Meyer Weiner. We get what we expect to get and we see what we expect to see, nothing else. If you don’t believe it, you wont see it! Your RAS filters that information out.

I drive a motorcycle in the warm seasons here in Michigan and every motorcyclist knows that most people simply aren’t looking for us on the road so their brains will literally filter out a human on a motorcycle when they’re thinking of pulling out from a cross street. They look left, they look right, they see no traffic and they pull out right in the path of a motorcyclist. Why? Because they’re simply not looking for and expecting motorcycles, they’re expecting other cars and trucks so that’s the information their brains reveal to them. Now, if you ride a cycle, a family member rides a cycle, or if you’ve ridden on the back of one, your RAS is more tuned in to their existence and presence on the roads and your RAS is more likely to let you see one when it appears. We get what we expect to get and we see what we expect to see my friends! If you don’t expect something and you don’t believe it’s possible, your RAS filters out all of the contradictory information and you don’t see it. This is one of the reasons why people argue about politics. You believe something and you believe it strongly. You give it your focus, your energy, your time, and your emotions and, in turn, it gives you thoughts and emotions. You feel strongly about some of these topics so when somebody from the other side tries to present something, even if its rooted deeply in facts and is unequivocally and objectively true, your mind will reject the information because it threatens your belief systems. In essence, your RAS Bat Signal starts going off and the alarms are sounding that something threatens your way of life so you fight, you swear, you call people names, and you shut down your mind to any contradictory information that doesn’t already correspond with what you believe. This is what makes it so difficult for people to make changes in their lives. Their belief systems and the information that the RAS is constantly filtering out is likely the very information that your mind and body need to make those changes. You wont see it though because its just been filtered out for you and only the information you believe gets let in. That’s where the deliberate and intentional change needs to begin my friends.

As a side note, this is one of the big reasons why goals should always be stated in the positive instead of trying to state what you don’t want. Always tell your RAS what is important for you to recognize and which positive state, opportunity, or resource to make you significantly more aware of. Another important note about the RAS is that it is not involved with interpreting the quality or the type of sensory input. It simply takes sensory input and activates the entire cerebral cortex with energy. Its job is to wake up the cerebral cortex and increase its level of arousal and readiness so that IT can interpret the incoming info and prepare the brain and body for appropriate action. What we can do to make the RAS work at maximum efficiency toward our success and a better tomorrow than our today is to give it explicit instructions about what to look out for in terms of opportunities and resources and, also, make it believe that it is already living in the state of being that we wish to experience. In a bit, I’ll go into some specifics of how to program your RAS to be on the lookout for all of the good stuff and disregard the negative stuff so I’ll plant a seed right now. I want you to remember a word. The word is WYTAYBA. I’ll tell you in a bit what this means and how to use it.

But first, lets think about it this way: if you wake up in the morning and stub your toe, the pain from that travels through your body and creates a negative emotion. That negative emotion, one of which is simply the pain, may also be attached to a past event that says, ‘shit, last time I stubbed my toe, my car broke down too! its going to be a crappy day, I just know it!’ From there, the RAS goes on high alert for all of the information in your environment that reinforces that statement and belief that its going to be a crappy day. It will continue to place right in front of you, like a faithful canine bringing you dead rabbits and squirrels, all of the evidence you’ve unknowingly requested when you said, “its going to be a crappy day!” Something else negative happens and some part of you, even if it’s subconscious, says, ‘yep, there it is! I knew it! Just get used to it because its gonna be like this all day!’ And, like Zoltar, the magical fortune teller machine in the movie BIG, you are magically transported into the crappy day you so accurately predicted. Although, you didn’t really predict it, you created it! So, the reasoning follows that if you can create the crappy days based on your conscious and subconscious thoughts and requests made to the RAS, you can also create the amazing ones as well! It simply takes deliberate and intentional thoughts to be programmed into the RAS through a process called goal setting, vision planning, and consciously figuring out what your current patterns and limitations are based on past programming and past events. In essence, you have to start thinking about what you think about because what you think about, you bring about. When you intentionally and deliberately start recognizing what you’ve programmed your RAS to be on alert for, you literally start becoming somebody else! Not figuratively becoming somebody else, but literally! Since the RAS, the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, our bodies, our emotions, and the chemical reactions that all of those create make up who we are to a large degree, then changing those chemical reactions, changing the environment that effects gene expression, changing the thoughts that activate what the RAS focuses on is literally rewiring who you are at the deepest level. New neural pathways are created, new chemical responses to new emotions are happening, you’re feeling as if the thing or the state of being you desire already exists and you start to live in a world that you are literally creating moment to moment. You’ve always been creating your world moment to moment, you just didn’t realize it so its been mostly subconscious and unintentional. You’ve felt like this life is happening to you instead of because of you!  This is an important idea to grasp! You are always creating your world! The question is simply, are you doing it deliberately and intentionally, or are you doing it subconsciously based on past programming and past events which keep you stuck in a limited and limiting pattern of excuses and rationalizations. Past programming that has programmed your RAS to be on the lookout for all the ways that you’re going to fail, all the enemies in your world, all the idiots in your world, all the doom and gloom. What you think about, you bring about and what you expect to see, you most certainly will.

A new thought should lead to a new choice, a new choice should lead to a new behavior, a new behavior should lead to a new experience, a new experience should lead to a new outcome, a new outcome should lead to a new emotion. That new emotion is teaching your body chemically what your mind understands intellectually and intuitively. The new emotion should inspire new and empowering thoughts that reinforce the new emotion. All of that leads to new behaviors and actions and the cycle reinforces itself. The problem with all of this for most people is that the bigger the emotional footprint of an event, the more our attention gets placed on the external cause of that event. The brain takes a snapshot and pins it to the cerebral cork board, it Imprints or embosses that neurological pattern in the brain and we call this a memory. We create long term memories from strong emotional events. The less impactful the emotion, the smaller the memory of that event and the smaller the neurological footprint that event has on our overall belief systems and behaviors. A small event isnt that big of a deal so we subconsciously tell the RAS to filter out the lessons from it. Not sure if you knew this mind blowing fact or not, but at least 50% of what we talk about from our past aren’t even real events. They are made up, or misremembered, to support the emotional story and chemical reactions we’re comfortable with in our bodies. These are the chemical reactions we’ve literally become addicted to. We are constantly reaffirming for ourselves and placing our attention on events that likely didn’t even occur the way we remembered them. But we tell ourselves this story about the event and the event becomes a wired emotional pattern that has whats called a long refractory period where we are experiencing the event emotionally over a long period of time. The bigger the emotion attached to the event, the longer the refractory period. The longer the refractory period of that emotional event, the more opportunities we create to re-remember the event in a way that it may not have actually occurred but makes us feel comfortable in the remembering and it eventually becomes familiar to us. It supports and reinforces what we choose to believe about it and the more we fire those particular neurons about the event, the more we wire the brain to always fire that way and eventually this becomes what we call a personality trait. Since your personality creates your personal reality, these traits that we’ve been firing and wiring together for sometimes decades dictate the world we expect, then see and experience on a day to day basis. The RAS determines what we give our attention to on a moment to moment basis. In order to change your personal reality, you’ve got to change your personality and that requires reprogramming your RAS with new information. The new information you program it with entails, not only positive thoughts, expectations, and affirmations about the things you want, but also the reprogramming of your memories of your past. The more you continue to let all of that subconscious programming about money, time, relationships, business, pain, communication, and whatever else is going on in there, the more your RAS continues to deliver exactly as you expect it to.

Your personality is made up of how you think, act, and feel. If you want to change your life, you must change the thing that is having the greatest effect on your reality, which is your personality. How do we do this? The very first thing is to start thinking about what you’re thinking about! Sounds funny, but its true. When you start thinking about what you’re thinking about, you can finally begin to recognize how your thoughts then create emotions and how those patterns dictate your actions, and thus, your results. Once you start thinking about what you’re thinking about and can recognize some possible connections between negative or limiting thoughts and the subsequent emotions those create, you’ll then start to see how those thought/emotion patterns trigger your RAS to be on the lookout for supporting information to make your thoughts and emotions right. When your RAS goes on a search for supporting data for your negative thoughts and emotions, or your positive ones, it will always find the support…always! For example, any of my listeners on any of the industry facebook groups and forums? Any of you read or participate in posts or comments like, ‘stupid stip of the day’, or ‘look what another idiot realtor said or did’, or how about the inevitable ‘we’re all gonna die!’ posts about how the industry is in decline and going to hell in a hand basket. A great example from a recent blog post and discussion trail is about the head of the Appraisal Foundation and his salary and retirement benefits. Its caused something of an uproar in some circles, for what reason, I don’t know. I mean, I know, its because of everything we’ve been talking about this whole time! Its based on people’s personalities creating their personal realities and what they choose to focus on. What people think, say, comment on and express publicly gives great insight into their personal reality and what their RAS brings in front of their mental windshield. When you come across those kinds of discussions, what kinds of thoughts and emotions are triggered for you? Positive ones? I’ll answer for you, the answer is no. The emotions triggered by the thoughts from those discussions is assuredly negative. Whoever made those posts has just taken your hand and dragged you into their personal world of addiction. People who are jumping into those bog pits are expressing what their RAS chooses to focus on, which is based on their thinking, their expectations, and their habitual patterns. They reinforce those patterns when they take what was first a thought, then an emotion (likely a negative one), they act on the emotion by taking physical action and picking up their phone, getting on facebook, and then making a post about something they think is stupid or egregious. Why do they do this? To share their pain with the world and gather more support for what they already believe: underwriters are stupid, AMCs suck, Realtors are idiots, I’m smarter than you, we’re all going to die, this industry sucks, etcetera. The more it’s reinforced, the more its firing and wiring in your brain and eventually you become addicted to that very familiar pattern. My friends, I cant express enough just how damaging social media has been for those who don’t understand or recognize this pattern of addiction. How do we combat this? You have to turn down the volume and put blinders on.

You must develop the ability and discipline to lower the volume on any and all negative emotions and memories of past events and people and, when you do, you’ve just taken back control of your emotional strength. The thing keeping most people from achieving this is the addiction. Most people cant, and aren’t willing to, change what they think and feel because they are addicted to pain, addicted to struggle, addicted to our fears, addicted to abuse, addicted to the attention they get from others, addicted to sympathy from others, addicted to lack, addicted to not having, addicted to suffering, addicted to their story, and addicted to the patterns of the familiar because those patterns deliver predictable results. Most people would rather be in pain and suffering than move toward the unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and unpredictable which eventually rewires the patterns in the brain and body and returns a different outcome. Most would prefer to be pulled back into their addictions to struggle, lack, negative attention, sympathy, and whatever else we get addicted to emotionally because it’s familiar and predictable. When you try to have better thoughts and emotions, eventually you will encounter the addicted parts of your habitual patterns and wiring and there will be struggle because, much like somebody who has a chemical addiction (which this is!), eventually the habitual patterns in the body will kick in and start appealing to the brain to just give it a little hit of what it thinks it needs and wants. The body will manifest all kinds distractions and appeals to influence the brain into going back to what it believes to be the most familiar and comfortable. What started as an attempt by you to influence the brain into a new way of being will be attacked by the body’s addiction to that old pattern and familiar chemical reaction in the body. It will literally be going into an emotional and chemical detox scenario and manifest all sorts of things to influence the brain into being its old self again. This is where most people quit. They simply cant take the pain of change and the change in chemical response to the new way of thinking. If ever there was a time to fight for something and work through discomfort and pain, this would be that time! Just on the other side of discomfort when you’re rewiring your brain and body patterns is a new positive habit that leads to new behaviors, which lead to new emotions, which lead to new actions and new responses to those actions. The cells that fire together wire together so the more you can hold these new memories of the past and the future in your subconscious mind, the more commensurate emotions you can hold onto throughout the day, the more firing and wiring is talking place! This, of course, sends new signals to the RAS to be on the lookout for more corresponding information with the new memories you’ve created (past and future) and, trust me when I say, it will be there.

My friends, I don’t know if you’ve grasped just how important this topic is yet or not, but its huge! Its earth shattering because it means you have control over what you see and what you don’t see. It means you have control over what you expect to see and what will ultimately be experienced. In part 3, I promise I will go deeper into some more things you can do to program your mind and your RAS to create a considerably more compelling future for you and be, do, and have everything you can imagine, within reason, of course. The only reason I say ‘within reason’ is because, sometimes when I make that statement, somebody will say, ‘You mean I can be the quarterback of the New England Patriots?, or “The center for the Knicks?”, or “create the next Facebook?” To which I have to remind people, there are biological limitations to some of what we create in our lives. I am 49 years old at the time of this episode and I played one year of JV football in high school. Although there are some really great walk-on stories out there, there are probably better uses of my and your time than trying to be the next Tom Brady or Patrick Ewing (I forgot to mention that I am only 5’9” as well, so there’s another issue that could hold me back a bit beyond the age thing.) What is absolutely available to you and I is what we can create in our personal worlds in the realm of relationships, wealth, abundance, business opportunities, health opportunities, travel, joy, abundance, success, and whatever else you’ll allow your mind to imagine, your emotions to get activated around, and the belief that you truly are the creator of your own world. But you have to carefully choose where you are placing your attention, what you are allowing in, what thoughts are happening for you every minute of every day subconsciously, focus on how you are reprogramming some of the limiting fear based thoughts and emotions, and spending more time in those kinds of thoughts and emotions than the ones that don’t make you feel good. I am not talking about avoidance, my friends. I’m not telling you to just sit and bliss out all day while the bills pile up. What I am telling you to do is to not constantly stare at the stack of bills on your desk and feel anxiety, fear, stress, and negative emotions around them. You stare at the stack of bills and let that picture guide and direct you into positive thoughts about how good it feels when those bills are paid easily and effortlessly. How good it feels to know that you have lots of new business coming in to pay those meager bills and lots left over to invest, save, donate, and help others. You look and the bills and remind yourself how lucky you are that you don’t have to sit in a cubicle being directed by somebody else. You look at the bills and get excited about reducing some of them which adds more to the bottom line. You see, you get to be in control of which thoughts and emotions you’re going to operate from moment to moment instead of letting all of your external circumstances dictate your next thoughts moment to moment.

It begins inside, my friends, not the other way around! It begins inside with programming your RAS what to be on the lookout for! It begins inside with the practice of teaching your mind and body what its like to imagine and dream big. Then what it really feels like to live in the dream. When you can start to do this you are literally reprogramming your genes, your mind and body, the trillions of cells inside your mind and body, and your external world begins to look different. It may not appear different to you in that moment, but it will over time. Remember, you’ve had a lifetime of programming to put you where you are today. Everything new is, at first, difficult and frustrating. Over time it gets easier and you build new habits. What you know now from all the science we’ve been talking about is that you are also building new neural pathways, new nerve bundles, and new cells that are programmed with the new information you’ve been programming them with. Your RAS is being reprogrammed to see and activate your brain based on new and more exciting instructions and new opportunities will magically begin to appear. Did they?… Do they really magically begin to appear?… Most likely not. They were most likely there all the time. You just weren’t in the frame of mind to see them and act on them. You weren’t in the frame of mind where the opportunity was for you. Maybe the opportunity sought out somebody with more confidence and belief in themselves in the prior moment. All of it happening right in front of you but without your conscious awareness of it.

In next week’s episode, I will go over some more exercises you can do and some more things you’ll need to do to begin really reprogramming your thoughts and emotions on a much deeper level. You know what you need to do this week. You need to start thinking about what you’re thinking about and getting an idea of what your current programming is. Before we can reprogram things in there, we need to know what kind of programming and coding we’re going to be overwriting with new code. Take notes! Write down what kinds of thoughts come up for you on a daily basis. For many of you whom I know as listeners and friends on facebook and LinkedIn, I already know what some of your deep programming looks like because our programming, to a large degree, dictates what we say, the words we use, how we say things, and what we choose to focus on. I get to see how some of you respond to things in forums. I get to see the kinds of posts and discussions you involve yourselves in. I get a pretty solid glimpse into what your thoughts are and I know what kinds of emotions are connected with those thoughts because the same thoughts are connected with a very similar emotional chemical signature in most people. Your job now is for YOU to become aware of what I get to see. Start thinking about what you think about moment to moment and write it down. From there we can start to reprogram and replace much of the old limiting programs, many of which were given to us when we were very little and had no control over what got in to the RAS and what didn’t.

Thank you my friends for investing your most valuable currency with me again this week and that is, of course, your time. If time is your most valuable currency and asset, it only makes sense to invest and spend it in ways that will get you the greatest return on your investment. This kind of work on yourself will ALWAYS have the greatest return for you so I would strongly suggest you take me up on my suggestion in this regard. You can, of course, just keep doing what you’ve always done and get similar results, there’s nobody stopping you. But if you’re tired of the same results, then its time to think about what you’re thinking about. Next week we’ll wrap up this series and I’ll give you some very powerful exercises I learned and have been practicing for many years now that I can say, without a doubt, have helped me see, create, attract, and build a life that, at one time, I could have only imagined…but, in fact, I did imagine it and observed as all the pieces of my imaginary world began to show up on the screen of my awareness. This is what its all about my friends. You have some work to do…until next week, I’m out.

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